from the lovely Lesley at, http://pinklesdreams.blogspot.com/ thank you so much Lesley it's very kind of you.
The rules are that you can pass this award to only 6 blogger friends. This is really hard as I have not been on here very long, and there are so many fab deserving blogs out there. Well here we go these are the blogs i have chosen.
Katy. http://katysbloggeroo.blogspot.com/
Tara. http://www.happilyevercrafting.blogspot.com/
Kristine. http://inksomething.blogspot.com/
Heather. http://ricas-haven.blogspot.com/
Vicki. http://paperliciousoasis.blogspot.com/
Sharon. http://cardsngreetings.blogspot.com/
Thank you Gina, You've made my day, I'm flattered and over the moon with this.
I'll collect and sort it out on Wenesday as I have more time - day of work whoopppeee!!
hugs Heather xxx
Hi Gina, thank you for visiting my blog. I love your christmas card, am just off to have a look at the elzybells stamps, they look great.
Have added you to my blog list.
Michele x
Ah, thanks Gina, it's really kind of you and thanks for thinking of me! I'll pop it on my blog tomorrow.
Hugs, Tara xxx
Oh thank you Gina love, thats so kind of you :D will pop it on my blog tomorrow, got to rest my weary head now ,lol. Nite x
Thanks for thinking of me Gina; I do appreciate it. I've passed it on too now.
ooooohhhhh Gina thanks so very much for this lovely award, it has put a big smile on my face, it's much appreciated and thanks for thinking of me to give it to. xx vicki xx
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