wow i cant believe it i have been awarded this From Julie at http://catchmecrafting.blogspot.com/ and from Laura at . http://faerieworldcards.blogspot.com/
whom i have gotten to know through Docrafts, so thank you so much Julie and Laura for thinking of me, i would send it back to Julie but she has already been awarded it twice.
Its purpose is to send love to and acknowledge women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy -
Anyway, it does have rules attached which are:
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number in between
2.Make sure you link to their site
3. Link back to Tammy at http://www.tammyvitale.com/so that she can visit all these great women
4. Remember the purpose of the award
this is so difficult well the people that have helped me lots and who are a pleasure to have gotten to know
Katy. http://katysbloggeroo.blogspot.com/
Tara. http://www.happilyevercrafting.blogspot.com/
Lesley. http://pinklesdreams.blogspot.com/
Laura. http://faerieworldcards.blogspot.com/
Vicky. http://cuddlycards.blogspot.com/
so thank you girls for always being there. luv gina xx
thank you darling, this means so much to me there is also something for you on my blog (well 2 things) xxxx
Aww Gina, you're spoiling me !! Thank you so much love, will add it to my earlier post, you really deserve this award !!
Awww thanx soooo much huni...this is truely appreciated.....sendning u loads and loads of luv n hugs...lesley xxxx
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